How to Choose the Right Forestry Forwarder

A forestry forwarder is a specialty piece of heavy machinery used in logging or forestry operations. They’re specifically designed to transport logs, trees, and other materials from the jobsite to its next destination—whether that’s a mill or processing area. 

Forwarders are essential machines for the forestry industry, allowing workers to quickly and efficiently transport large logs from the cutting area to storage areas or locations for further processing. 
Forestry forwarder benefits include:

  • Increased speed and efficiency of log transportation.

  • Reduced labor costs since forwarders can move multiple logs at once.

  • Improved safety when working with large pieces of timber due to their stability and maneuverability.

  • Greater control over where logs are stored to maximize workflow efficiency.

  • Better accuracy when placing and storing logs compared to manual operation.

In this article, we’ll dive into the different types of forestry forwarders available and how to determine the right-sized forwarder for your needs.

Exploring Different Types of Forestry Forwarders

When it comes to forestry forwarders, there are a variety of different types available. Depending on the size and scope of your project, you may need a small, single-axle forwarder or a large tracked machine capable of lifting logs up to several tons. Here’s an overview of some of the most common types:

Single-Axle Forwarders: Single-axle forwarders are the smallest type and typically have just one axle. These machines are great for small jobs like hauling firewood or clearing small areas in forests. They can be towed behind cars or trucks and carry loads of up to four tons.


  • Lightweight and easy to maneuver, even in tight spaces.

  • Great for transporting smaller logs.

  • Cost-effective option for forestry management services.


  • Not suitable for larger or heavy logs due to limited loading capacity and stability.

  • Low fuel efficiency compared to other models of forwarders.

  • Low ground clearance may cause damage to the forest floor if not operated properly.

Dual-Axle Forwarders: Dual-axle forwarders offer more stability and power than single-axle forwarders. They are slightly larger and typically have two axles, allowing them to carry larger loads of up to six tons. They are commonly used for demanding jobs such as transporting logs from hillsides or moving large quantities of lumber.


  • Larger loading capacity due to the two axels, making them ideal for transporting larger logs.

  • Higher ground clearance than single-axle models and less likely to cause damage to the forest floor.

  • Offers greater stability and maneuverability in uneven terrain.


  • More expensive than single axle forwarders on the market.

  • Less fuel efficient than other types of forwarders.

  • Not suitable for navigating tight or narrow areas due to its size and weight.

Tracked Forwarders: Tracked forwarders are the largest type and offer maximum stability when lifting and carrying heavy loads. These machines feature wide tracks instead of wheels, giving them better traction and helping prevent slippage on inclines or rugged terrain. They can lift logs weighing up to eight tons, making them ideal for large-scale forestry operations.


  • Greater stability and maneuverability in uneven terrain and slopes.

  • Higher ground clearance than other forwarder types, preventing damage to the forest floor.

  • Provides a smoother ride for transporting heavy loads without significantly impacting fuel efficiency or load capacity.


  • Smaller loading capacity than dual axle models due to their smaller size.

  • Expensive option compared to other types of forwarders on the market.

  • Prone to clogging due to the increased contact with soil and debris in the woods.

Determining the Right-Sized Forestry Forwarder for Your Needs

The most efficient type of forestry forwarder for any specific job depends on the size and weight of the logs being transported, as well as the terrain and distance needing to be covered. Broadly speaking, larger and sturdier forwarders offer increased stability and loading capacity, while smaller machines are better suited for tight or confined areas. It is important to choose a forestry forwarder that is well-suited to the particular job at hand to maximize efficiency.

Additionally, when selecting the right-sized forestry forwarder for your needs, you’ll want to consider the scope of your project and the terrain you’ll be working in. A single-axle forwarder may be sufficient if you have a small job like hauling firewood. For larger operations, such as transporting logs from hillsides, a dual-axle or tracked machine would be more appropriate. It’s essential to make sure you choose the right size for your project. If you select too small of a machine, it won’t be able to handle the load; and if you select too large of a machine, it will be unnecessarily expensive and difficult to maneuver.

Here are the factors you should consider when determining the right-sized forestry forwarder for your needs:

  • The size of the logging area – select a forwarder with enough power, speed, and maneuverability to efficiently carry out log extraction in the area.

  • Weight capacity – choose a forestry forwarder with a capacity for the types of logs you will be transporting.

  • Type of terrain – consider factors such as how steep the slopes are, how well the ground is cleared, or any other complicated terrain features that need navigating to determine which type of forwarder is best suited for your needs.

  • Fuel efficiency – check the fuel consumption rate of each forestry forwarder to make sure it fits within your budget.

  • Price – compare prices between different types of forwarders and pick one that best meets your budget and requirements.

By taking all these factors into consideration, you can be sure to choose the right-sized forestry forwarder for your needs. With the right machine in tow, you’ll be able to increase productivity and efficiency while completing challenging projects with ease.

Forestry forwarders are incredibly valuable tools for logging, construction, and other heavy-duty applications. So if you’re looking for a reliable piece of equipment to help get the job done, consider investing in a forestry forwarder from Milton CAT. It just might be the perfect solution!